Davin decided that he just wanted the clippers haircut after Tim was done shaving his head and so we got him all set up. He sat on Grandpa's lap and I buzzed all of his hair off.
After we got all of his hair off he changed his mind and wanted to shave his own head. He went over and sat next to Tim and started putting on the shaving cream. He did a few rows of shaving his own head and then Chad helped him with the rest.
After they were done Davin gave Tim a big hug and Davin had a fun new haircut.
Once Davin was busy shaving his head we started shaving all the other boys. The first one after Davin was Uncle Tyson, then Grandpa Cloward, then Grandpa Bingham, then Uncle Dallin and last but not least Chad.
And here are all the boys with their shaved heads! Davin has so much support throughout all of this. It is awsome to see how much everyone loves this little boy.
After we were done with the shaving party we were inside saying goodbye to everyone and trying to get the boys their milk and start getting ready for bed when we had some more visitors. The mia maids had made us dinner and brought it over. They all wanted to see Davin and of course he was really shy and he went and hid behind the pillows on the couch. We invited them all in to have a pic with him, but Davin wouldn't look at the camera. We did get him to turn around for a split second to see if Grandpa had something on his head. :)
When we woke up the next morning Davin asked me when his hair would grow back. I felt really bad and I told him it would take a few months. He didn't really think anything of it and then told me that he thinks we should have a shaving party every night! Thanks to everyone who participated and made this little boys night.