Wed. morning we came up to the hospital. We went to get Davin's contrast injection before we were admitted like the doctor had told me. We got there and they gave him a little oral contrast and then we decided to wait on the injection because they didn't want to give him an IV and access his port later so they told us to get the port accessed and then they would come give him the contrast. That was all a little confusing but we left and tried to figure out where we were suppose to go next. We found the right section of the hospital where we would be staying but they weren't ready for us (we were early) They told us that we had a hearing test scheduled and sent us over there. Davin got his ears tested as a base line to watch as he is getting chemo. Hearing loss is one of the side affects for one of the drugs that he was going to get. Chad and I really didn't want anything to happen to his ears and were really frustrated that this could be a side affect. Davin's hearing was great and he even got a big ABC puzzle.
After we did the hearing test they had our room ready for us. We came back and they got us all set up in the room. One of the first things we did was access Davin's port. He really didn't like it and there were three of us holding him down and he screamed. But we got it done and now he doesn't have to get any more pokes while he is here. They started giving him lots of fluids. One thing that they want to watch with chemo is that Davin is going potty every 2 hours, so he has to be well hydrated. While we were waiting for all the liquid to go in we watched some tv, played lego star wars, and he did some art projects where he cut and glued paper and pompoms and pipe cleaners together. He also made a book that he titled "All About Me" he drew a picture on all the pages and he tells a different story everytime he reads it.
We had lots of nurses and doctors come and talk to us and explain all of the med. that Davin was going to get and all the side affects of each one. The first night he was going to get two different chemo drugs, and the next two days he would only get one of them. The chemo drugs go in like an IV through his port and they take an hour to go into his body. We started his chemo at 7 pm, and he was done with both at 9:30 and sleeping by then. The nurse had to wake Davin up every two hours during the night and make him go potty. It was really hard and at 2 Davin was really tired and really didn't want to go potty. We worked with him for about 45 min. until we got him to go. From then on everytime he got up he didn't want to go potty. It was a fight but we got him to go in the potty or in his diaper.
The first day of chemo was a success. Davin did a great job and he didn't even get sick at all!