Friday, August 3, 2012

CT scan and Meeting the Doctors

Wed. morning Davin, Chad and I went back up to the hospital to do a CT scan. When we got there Davin got to choose a soda to drink with the contrast. He chose fanta grape. Ron was the tech that was going to help us with the scan and he was telling us that most kids will drink their drink really fast because it is soda, but we still needed to wait an hour before we start the scan so that it has time to go through his body. After we got the drink we decided to go outside to a little garden by the front doors. Davin saw it on our way in and wanted to see everything in it. We ended up sitting by a little waterfall and watched the birds and read some signs and Davin very slowly drank his drink. I had to keep reminding him to drink more. And he took 50 min to drink his drink. My kids aren't big soda drinkers. Chocolate milk anytime but soda they don't really care about.
After the drink Davin had to get an IV. I was a little worried about it but I knew that he would be tough because he doesn't cry when he gets shots. We tried to get him to look at a picture and distract him while Ron put the IV in but we couldn't he wanted to see what was going on and watched the whole time. Ron was really nice and explained every step to him and I think that interested Davin. He was so brave and he didn't cry. Mommy and Daddy got to put on funny aprons then. Mommy got a glittery pink one and Daddy chose a camo one. Davin was really good during the scan. I got to hold his hands above his head and Daddy was showing him a few toys, but we had to do it twice because he thought it was funny to wiggle his tummy up and down during it. He was a good boy and got to pick a prize from the prize drawer. He chose a green bean neclace. :)

We didn't waste any time and after the scan went right up to the oncology clinic to meet with the doctors even though we were 30 min early. We got to meet the two oncology doctors that are going to be working with us, Dr. Elderidge and Dr. Wright. While they were talking to us about everything we got to see the pictures from the CT scan. Davin's tumor is really big and is pushing everything in his pelvis to the sides. They told us they thought it was Rhabdomyosarcoma. They wanted to do a biopsy to make sure it was that type of cancer, but told us that to treat the tumor it would involve months of chemo and maybe some radiation. Also while they were doing the biopsy they would put a port in. The port is what they use to administer the chemo drugs. While we were talking to the doctors Davin got his blood drawn and got to play with a bucket of legos. He was totally entertained and didn't really care what all of the adults were talking about.

Right before we left Davin had to do one more test. He had to do a urine sample. This was the hardest part for him! Chad took him into the bathroom where Davin proceeded to through a huge tantrum which included flopping onto the flook kicking and screaming. I could hear him down the hall and was very concerned and worried about what was going on. In the end Chad got the sample but Davin was not happy about it. When we left the oncology clinic Chad and I were really depressed. We had just had our life turned upside down and were facing months of horible drugs. The one good news that we got is that they didn't see any other spots of the cancer in his body. We had caught it before it spred.

After the oncology clinic we went downstairs to meet with the surgeon Dr. Barnheart. He took forever. We waited in an examination room for over an hour. He talked to us about the biopsy and the port that they wanted to put in. Chad and I were really worried at this point and were wondering when someone would tell us how much time we had left with Davin or if we were going to be able to cure this. Dr. Barnheart said that cancer in younger kids is a lot different that cancers in adults. Alot of the time they can cure it without it coming back as an adult. And that they were aiming on curing Davin, not just maintaining it. After that short explanation we were starting to feel alot better about the situation.

We finally got to leave the hospital after we talked with the surgeon. The plan was to come back up the next day and do the biopsy. They had told us to plan on staying at the hospital for 2-3 days. As we were driving away Davin was still really upset about peeing in a cup and told us that he wanted to blow the hospital up so that he would never have to pee in a cup again. Chad and I just laughed and told him he would probably have to get use to peeing in a cup.  I think it is funny that out of everything that happened to him during the day, that the easiest part was the most tramatic for him.