I can't believe Baby L is six months old. They grow up way too fast. We went to the doctor and she said that he was a perfectly healthy little boy. Yay! Just what we wanted to hear. He was 27 inches and 16 pounds 4 ounces. So he is in the 75th percentile in height and 25th percentile in weight. We have tall skinny boys at our house. :) But Baby L is still a runt compared to his brother who was 28 in. and 19 lb when he was six months. I don't want to compare them all the time because they are two totally different boys, it is just fun to see how different they really are. CJ is loving that he can play with Baby L a little bit more, and keeps asking when does he gets to play with Baby L. I keep telling him that Baby L is getting bigger every day and will learn to play with him a little more every day. I hope that they can be the best of friends because I can already see that they love eachother a lot!