So I think I really need to start blogging again. So much has happened and that is why I haven't been able to blog in a long long time. We have moved into a new house and the computer isn't in the bedroom anymore. I didn't realize how much of a change this would be. I am never on the computer anymore. The only time I am on is to pay bills and I am usually trying to be as fast as I can so that I can get something else done. I never just play on the internet anymore. So starting today I am going to try and do more posting. I really need to write down all the memories that our family has so that I don't forget anything, plus it is fun to share with other people too. :)
I think I remember why I stopped blogging. It won't ever let me publish my posts anymore. grrrrrrrr! Hopefully it will work so that I don't give up again.