Monday, November 1, 2010

Introducing Baby L :)

I know it has taken me a long time to do this post but here it is finally!

On Sat. morning the hospital called me at 5:45, they asked me if I could be there at 7:15 to have a baby and I said yes. Yay it was finally time. We were a little late and got there at 7:30. I was all hooked up by 8:00 and then we just had to wait. The worst part of the whole day was getting the stupid IV. The nurse tried twice to put it in and I really felt like I was going to pass out on her. But after she couldn't do it the second time she went and got help. I was glad she didn't try to do it again.
At about 12:00 the nurse came it to check on me and told us it was time to get the doctor. Once everything was set up and the doctor was there I only had to push through 3 1/2 contractions and Baby L was out! It was really really quick, I couldn't believe it.

Baby L was born at 12:40, weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces, and was 22 inches long. Another big boy! Once the baby was born and cleaned up a little bit my mom poked her head in the room and said "Can we come in? We have a very excited big brother out here." The next thing I knew I saw CJ pulling my dad into the room and over to the bed. CJ loves his little brother so much! When we got to the recovery room he sat on the bed with me and held Baby L and wouldn't let anyone else have a turn.

After everyone got to see Baby L, CJ went to the mall with the granparents and got a Build a Bear Owl. He named it Owl Moon and loves it. When they got back Baby L was getting his bath. He didn't like his hair washed, but he didn't cry durring his whole bath like CJ did. Baby L is such a mellow baby. He doesn't really cry unless he is hungry.

I was so suprised at how well Baby L slept. He was such a good baby for the first little while. He would sleep through anything and he slept all day and all night. The only time he would wake up was to eat and then he would go right back to sleep.

CJ was really happy to finally have Mommy and the baby home after two days. All he wanted to do was play with the baby. It is too bad that Baby L can't really play with him yet. CJ loves to do tummy time with Baby L and he like to show Baby L everything he is doing (building blocks or playing with stickers).

We are very happy that Baby L is finally here!