Friday, July 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Point Farm

The other day we went to the farm at Thanksgiving Point. CJ loved it! He got to see a lot of animals up close. He loved feeding all of the goats and sheep with Grandpa. He even had a few say hi over the fence. The only animals he didn't like were the birds. We started looking at them and CJ was very tentative but then a big turkey made a loud noise right by him and that was the end. We also got to see some horses and cows. CJ also liked feeding the ducks. One of his favorite parts was riding the pony's. He got to do it a lot because he went with a group of adults that gave him their tickets. After the farm we went over to Cabella's and got to each lunch with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle D. It was a really fun adventure!

Eating popcorn like grandpa :)