Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Little Engine That Could

I wish I could remember a night that I didn't read The Little Engine That Could. CJ always gets to pick a story to read before he has to go to sleep and for the last forever he wants to read that book. The other night I forgot to put it away and the next night he was looking through all the books trying to find it. He knows what he wants and he will look until he finds it. :) The last three nights he has also wanted Goonight Moon. That is a good change I just wish that I could read other books.

I've probably said this before but CJ is really into trucks, airplanes, helicopters, and trains right now. Grandma was getting rid of her duplo train and so we got to take it home and CJ hasn't played with any other toys since. Every morning that is the first thing he gets out. He loves to build the track and then build the engines and try to hook them together. He hasn't figured out how they connect yet and he gets really frusterated when he puts them next to eachother and they don't just magically attach. It will be fun to see him be able to put the whole thing together someday.