Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Morning

This year I was looking forward to sleeping in one last time before my kids were old enough to be so excited that they couldn't sleep, but that wasn't the case. Mommy and Daddy were up until 3 o'clock putting together christmas and CJ wakes up at 5:30. Mommy gets him to lay back down for a while, but he tossed and turned for another hour until 6:30 when he was done trying to go back to sleep. Daddy asked him if he was ready to see if Santa had come and he got really excited. He was dancing around the room waiting for Mommy and Daddy to get ready to go upstairs. We opened the door and he ran out and then stopped at the stairs. I really wish I could have known what he was thinking but he was very hesitant to go up and see what was up there.


This year CJ didn't like Santa. I was hoping that it wouldn't be a big deal because Santa is a familiar person but Santa came out of the room ringing loud bells and said in his deep voice "Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas" And that was all it took for CJ to start crying. He didn't want to do anything with Santa. After he had calmed down a bit and Santa had given him his present (a christmas tree ornament of a turtle) We tried to have him sit on Mommy's lap on Santa's lap, and this is how well that went ...

We were there for about 30 sec.

After that he was really sceptical when we asked him about Santa, and was scared when we asked him if Santa was going to come and give CJ presents, and he got really scared when we told him that it was ok because he wouldn't see Santa again because Santa would come while CJ was sleeping. Poor Kid!


One of CJ's christmas presents this year was a snowsuit. He got to open it early so he could wear it when we went to see the lights at Temple Square. He doesn't really like getting into his suit, and he fights, kicks and screams the whole time but when he finally is all dressed he really likes to go outside and play in the snow.

When we went up to my parents to celebrate Christmas, we got CJ all dressed up and we went sledding down their street. At first it was hard for him to stay sitting up because his suit is so fluffy but we learned that we couldn't start pulling too fast and I think he got used to sitting in the sled. He also loves to throw snowballs, they don't go very far but he thinks it is tons of fun.

The Living Planet Aquarium

We have been getting together with some other little kids and moms in our complex every few weeks and doing play dates for our kids. The last one we did, we took all the kids to the Living Planet Aquarium. I thought CJ would love it because he likes looking at Grandpa's fish tank. But I was wrong. He was ok with all the small fish and loved the statue of a big frog but then we saw the octopus. CJ looked at it for a long time and then burst into tears. I'm not sure what happened, but he wouldn't let go of me for a very long time. He had fun during story time. He got to wear a turtle hat and that made everything better. He also went to see the sting rays again and was waving back at them as they splashed the water. But he really doesn't like big fish. Everytime he saw a big fish he would get worried and sometimes he would start crying again. It was fun to go do once but I think it will be a while before we go back and see the fish again.

Friday, December 11, 2009


I have been so excited this year for Christmas. I can't wait until CJ gets to open all of his toys. I have had all of my decorations up for a while now and I am acutally really suprised at how well CJ is with all of them. I think he has actually enjoyed having the decorations up also. One of his favorite things to do is turn on the christmas tree lights and point to all of the ornaments and have me tell him what they are, and then I ask him to find all of them again. He also likes my village. He likes to turn on those lights and walk along and look at all of the houses.

He also likes to try and stick his fingers into the windows. He is also talking a lot more and he will say "right there" when I ask him to find something. He is also saying "What is it?" more clearly. We have started to learn a new trick, Daddy and I have been asking him what Santa says and he has started to say "ho ho ho" it kind of sounds like he is just exhaling hard but he is trying. :)

Daddy is almost out of school and then we are going to go see the lights at Temple Square. I think CJ will love to see all the lights. The other night he noticed someone had lights on their porch and he thought it was the coolest thing. I'm so excited to see him learn and grow this holiday season.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Peanut Butter

Yesterday CJ was playing with Mom and Dad and Daddy asked him if he wanted peanut butter for breakfast. And he nodded his head, of course he always wants peanut butter. Then Daddy asked him if he could say peanut butter and he did! It was as clear as a bell. He has always said "buta buta" for peanut butter but this time he acutally said it. We were so proud of him and made a big deal about it and now he won't do it anymore. :( I think it kind of suprised him because afterward he kept mouthing it but he wouldn't make any sound. We keep trying to get him to say it but it hasn't happened again, hopefully we'll get to hear it again soon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I just wanted to share a funny story about CJ. So this morning we went up the Canyon and my friend took some family pictures. It went really well and CJ was really good about taking pictures for the most part, but it made him really sleepy. After we dropped my friend off at her car we were driving home and CJ was sitting in his seat blowing raspberries non-stop, and getting spit everywhere. Then he stopped! I looked back about two seconds after his last one and he was asleep! I thought it was really funny that he fell asleep so fast. Then when we got home he was still sleeping and I was trying to get him out of his carseat. He woke up and looked around and then started blowing raspberries. Daddy thinks he fell asleep in the middle of one and had to finish when he woke up. Silly Boy!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!


Monday, September 21, 2009

Hide and Seek

Over the last couple of days CJ has started to play hide and seek with me. He has two hiding places that he goes to, behind the rocking chair and behind the big blue exercise ball in his room. He will run into his room and hide and wait until I come and find him. He is really cute because he laughs and giggles while I’m looking, sometimes he will even peek his head out to see what I’m doing. Today I took some pictures of him hiding, I just thought that he was totally cute and I thought that it was funny because his outfit kind of blended into the wall. :)

Isn’t that the cutest smile ever!

You can see his feet from under the rocking chair.

Peek a boo! I see you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I've been lazy about blogging lately so I have a lot of small little stories. First of all school started for Daddy. He has been working so hard on all of his homework getting it all done. He is doing a lot this semester. He has 17 credits and he is still working full time. CJ is also doing a lot of things, he keeps me really busy and it hasn't been very fun the past two weeks while we have both been sick. It is amazing at how much energy CJ has even when he is sick.
One of his favorite things to do right now is climb on the boxes we have full of DI stuff. It makes me really nervous because he can't get down by himself but that doesn't stop him from trying.
He also loves to play in Mom and Dad's room. He is tall enough now that he can get into the drawers in the bathroom and one of his favorite things to pull out is the toothpaste. He puts it into his mouth and will walk around the house just letting it hang there. It looks really funny! I think he looks like a turtle sometimes. :) He also likes to play on the computer any time he can. He knows what he is doing and likes to move the mouse around a little and then types on the keyboard a little. Here he even has his foot up on the keyboard to help.

We went to a family party and went down to SF pool. We all had lots of fun! CJ even got to go down the big slide a few times. Yay!

There was a big windstorm a few weeks ago, and I was down in Sandy with my parents. I popped open my trunk and the wind caught it and slammed it into my back windshield. It shattered, but was still in place luckily because CJ was sitting in the backseat still in his carseat.
I drove home and the whole time it was making funny cracking noises and I'm so happy that it didn't fall apart on the way.
CJ likes to help Dad do everything! He will even sit on the counter while Dad does dishes to help Mom out around the house. So Sweet!

Here CJ is climbing again. He loves this little table. He likes to take the top off and climb in. Most of the time he just sits and plays inside but other times he likes to stand up and dance. He is learning that he can't just step out and that he needs to ask for help. He is going to be very sad when he gets too big for it.

Daddy got a new backpack for our 72 hour kits and we decided to try it out and see if it could hold the baby. CJ had a lot of fun being carried around the house and liked playing with all of the different straps on the backpack.

And finally today CJ and I went shopping and I decided that he needed some new cups because he has a really hard time with his sippy cups. He just doesn't want to hold them up so he isn't sucking in air. So we found some with straws so he didn't have to hold them up and he loves them! Here he is trying them out for the first time. He carried the cup all over the house and drank almost the whole thing.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I finally have pictures from CJ's birthday party. We had a lot of fun that day even though we had to cancel the swimming party with all of CJ's friends because it was raining. Both sets of grandparents got to come up with all of the uncles (except for Greg) and watch CJ play all day.

We opened presents first. He got a swimming pool with a hose to fill it up, and some boats to play with in the pool. He also got some crayons, books, Cars the movie, a bubble blower, and a Cars car to ride on. He had fun having everyone just watching everything he was doing and showing off with his new toys.

Figuring out how to open the present

Ribbons are the best toy to play with!
He loves the movie Cars so he got a lot of lightning McQueen things. One of his favorite things was the lightning McQueen car. He was so excited when he opened it and saw what it was. He got very upset when we were taking it out of the box so that he could ride it.

So Happy
Loving his car!
Showing Grandma where he put his treasures
After he played with the toys for a while we got out his smash cake. Two days before CJ's party the lady that was going to make the cake told me she couldn't anymore, so I decided I would do it myself. The night before the party I stayed up until 3 frosting the cake so he could smash it. Most of you probably think I'm crazy for doing it but I had so much fun watching him play with it. It was totally worth it!
The first touch
Are you sure I'm suppose to touch this?
Dad stuck his hand in to show him what to do, and he didn't quite know what to think when his hand was covered with cake.
We finally gave him a spoon and that made him more adventurous
Mom, watch out, I'm going to step in my cake!
I don't want to step in it!
Yummy cake
Sharing with Mom
Sharing a cupcake with Grandpa. How sweet!