Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I love this time of year. It is so much fun. Except for deciding what to get, and actually going out and getting it. Shopping stresses me out! But I thought it was fun yesterday CJ and I were eating lunch and he started singing Frosty the Snowman. He loves that song and I just wanted to share his version:

Frosty the snowman, happy jolly snow
with corn pipe, button nose, and two eyes made of cold.

He sings more parts but this is his favorite and he will sing it over and over again. I love hearing all the songs that I like to sing coming from my little boy. He also likes to sing Santa Claus is coming to town. So very cute. I can't wait to see him Christmas morning. He is so excited for all the presents.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas

CJ and I got christmas out the day after Thanksgiving. CJ loved seeing all the fun decorations and I'm sooooo happy I had some fun christmas toys for him to play with. They have been really nice because he likes playing with them, and I got to put up all the breakable stuff while he was busy. We turned on some Christmas movies and played. This is CJ dressed up like Santa. With stockings on his hands for gloves. :) He makes me laugh. He also found the big stockings and asked what they were. When I told him they were stockings he looked a little confused and said "to put on your hands for the oven" He was getting a little confused with the oven mit that we have.

I loved this! CJ got tired and he decided to take a nap under the tree and watch the movies.

Baby L was also sleepy and he was sleeping on the couch while we were decorating the house.

My two boys!

I've been having fun taking care of two boys. Sometimes it is a challenge but I'm enjoying it. Here are some pics of what we do. Yes I know they are all the same. CJ loves to lay next to or hold his little baby brother. He is always asking if he can hold him. Most of the time I have to say no because he is sleeping but he gets to hold him a lot.
Boys snuggling!

Baby L fell asleep like this. I had to laugh. It looks like he went to sleep in the middle of a stretch.

My two little bugs. Sorry the bottom pic is sideways.

More baby holding.

CJ being such a big boy. He is listening to the radio on Daddy's gift from work. (A portable radio) I can just imagine him 10 years older and this is all I'm going to see. Earphones in his ear listening to music.

We are kind of working on potty training CJ. He has a potty chart now and he finished a whole row (7 times) so he got a prise. He loved the puzzle and played with it the rest of the night. It is still a little hard for him to do but he is getting better and better at it every day.

His favorite part of it is Frank. He says that he doesn't like him but I think he is becoming CJ's favorite character in Cars.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hide and Seek

Lately CJ's favorite thing to do is play hide and seek. We have played a lot with him and a few times we hide Baby L and CJ finds him. The other day we were finding Baby L and this is where CJ found him.
He thought that it was a really good hiding place and climbed up with him to snuggle. And then told me to go count and that they would hide right there. :) Silly boys!

Friday, December 10, 2010


So I know this was a while ago but I just got the pics off of my camera and wanted to share.
This year for Halloween we went down to Grandma and Grandpa's house to trick or treat. It was really cold and rainy but we went ahead and took the kids out anyway. CJ was really excited to get into his costume and he had lots of fun running to every door he didn't even care that he was all wet. Us getting ready to leave, and CJ not wanting to look at the camera.

Running up to the door.

Andi and I staying dry under the umbrella with Baby L.

Flapping his wings! He was the best little owl.

He would "fly" on Dereks shoulders. They had lots of fun running around together.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pictures of Baby L

I got my pictures of Baby L back from my wonderful friend Carli and I've been trying to do a post to show them all off but I can't make it work. So if you would like to go see pictures of Baby L go visit my friends blog at Enjoy!