Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today :)

I have two cute stories from today ... So I was helping Daddy look at his gun and figure something out and CJ was trying to help. When we were done looking at the gun, Daddy went into his room. CJ started walking around his room pulling up the leg on his onesie and sticking his finger in his diaper. I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he wanted a gun, and he was going to put it in his diaper. :) That boy wants to be just like his daddy! It was too cute.

The second story is from tonight. We had just told Daddy good night and CJ helped me pick up the toys on his floor. I asked for high fives after we were done and CJ gave me lots! So, I decided to play a game with him. (you probably all did this when you were little) I told him to give me five, then up high, and down low, then in the hole, but he was always too slow :) He loved the game and he kept saying more more more! I didn't realize that he was big enough to enjoy a game like that. Maybe I'll have to try some more. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

This past week on Mother's Day we got to talk to my brother in law on his mission in Africa. It was really good to hear his voice and listen to all of his stories. CJ wasn't into talking to Greg on the phone and really just wanted to play and have everyone pay attention to him instead of the phone.

(A cute story for Greg)
Lately CJ has started calling people by their names. It first started out with Tys, then Dal, and then D for Derek. So I've been working with him to say Greg. I thought it would be really fun for him to show Greg that he could say his name, but everytime I tried to get him to say it, he would ignore me. Finally the night before we were going to talk to him, I decided that Greg must be just too hard right now, and maybe we could just call him Uncle G. CJ thought that was a lot better and would say "G" when I asked him who we were going to talk to the next day. Then when we get to Grandma's the next day, I ask CJ "Who are we going to call today?" and he answers "Greg"! I was so amazed! I wasn't expecting him to say his name in the first place but it was so clear too. But sadly after I made such a big deal about it he wouldn't say it again. :( But now we know that he can say it, even if he doesn't feel like it.

We had a lot of fun getting to hang out with the family all day. It was a very enjoyable Mother's Day. :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Kentucky Derby

This weekend we went to Grandma's and Grandpa's for the Kentucky Derby. We went down and played all day and CJ had so much fun. We went for a walk in the morning and he explored the garden center of Wal-Mart forever! He was having so much fun walking up and down the aisles looking at all the different plants. We finally talked him into leaving because Mom and Grandma were cold. Later we got to watch the race. CJ didn't really care but he would tell us what a horse said whenever we asked him. There were just too many cool toys out to play with to be interested in watching horses run on the tv. After the race CJ helped Grandpa cook some hamburgers, and Grandpa showed him the new trampoline. CJ has never been on one before so Daddy showed him how to jump, and it didn't take long before CJ was galloping around in circles laughing and having soooo much fun. He didn't want to go in for dinner. We dragged him in kicking and screaming! Later that night we decided to go to Cabela's and look at the fish. CJ is so funny, he really likes to see the fish but he gets really scared sometimes. He was acting really scared once and I showed him that the fish couldn't hurt him, and let him touch the glass and see that he couldn't touch the fish. After that he liked it a little better. The thing he loved the most was feeding the fish. He begged Grandma into buying food three times! He liked throwing it out and watching the fish basically jump out of the water to get the food. It was a very fun day. CJ got to do so many things and was sooooo tired when we got home. He went right to sleep and slept in for mommy and daddy the next morning. It was a great day!