Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Weekend

For Easter we went up to my parents for the weekend. The first thing Grandpa wanted to do was show CJ an owl that was sitting on a nest near their house. We went and set up the spotting scope and this is what we saw...
CJ really liked seeing another owl. Grandma and Grandpa also found a stuffed animal owl for CJ gave it to him after we went to see the owl. He now sleeps with it every night.

The next fun thing we got to go do was feed the neighbors horses some carrots. CJ even got to pet one.
That night we colored eggs. There were a lot of owls and a few other fun things. My favorites were Daddy's helicopter and train, my brothers penguin, and I really liked seeing what CJ drew. He told us that it was a kitty, some banana's and a helicopter.

Easter Morning:

Our Easter Bunny always hides our baskets. So CJ got to look for his and he was very fast at finding where it was. He was super excited about all the presents inside.

The first thing he got was the movie "The Princess and the Frog", which he loves to watch as long as we skip the first half hour where there aren't any frogs.

The next thing he found was his helicopter. He loves to fly the helicopter around the house and is always very very sad when it has to let the bateries recharge. CJ has been practicing flying the helicopter and does a good job all by himself.

The best part of Easter was the candy. (at least for CJ) He kept trying to grab candy from everyone elses baskets. He even learned how to unwrap the chocolates by himself.

I just thought this picture was cute. CJ was giving Grandpa loves with his pooh bear and owl, after all the excitement of finding easter baskets.