Wednesday, May 20, 2009


CJ is walking! He decided sunday night that he was going to just start walking. Now he is really all over the place. He still prefers to crawl but if he is already standing up he will walk until he falls down or decides that he needs to go faster. :) He will walk all the way accross the living room which is about 15 feet, not to bad for a beginner walker. I will try and post the video when my computer will cooperate. It keeps failing right now. But I wanted to share our happy news. I can't believe how much he is learning and growing right now. It is really fun to see him figure things out, he is getting big too fast.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Corner Canyon Hike

On Sat. CJ and I went with my friend and her husband on a hike up Corner Canyon to a little waterfall. It was CJ's first hike. He thought it was lots of fun. He got to relax on the way up and down and got to do a little exploring once we got up there. He liked touching the water and walking through the tall weeds. We even got to see a deer up close. So now here are some pics for you to enjoy.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Look at my feet go! (Sorry it is sideways.)

Fun Pictures

Here are some random fun pictures just to show you what we do all day.
Playing in the kitchen, helping Mom with everything.
Now I think I should hold the food. Maybe I can get a little more out of the bottle.

Playing at Grandma's

The Whistle

CJ found my shelf with a bunch of little trinkets on it and the thing he loved the most was the whistle that he found. Here is the story ...
What is this?
I'll stick it in my mouth to find out.
Oh no Mom saw what I was doing.

I'm so cute even when I'm doing something I shouldn't.

Making Friends

CJ's whole life he has been really really scared of the vacuum. He will scream and whine and everything whenever I have to vacuum even though I'm holding him while I'm doing it. So the other day I left the vacuum in the hallway while I put all of the barriers back up so CJ doesn't get into anything he shouldn't and I found him making friends with the vacuum.

Now he isn't as scared of it anymore. He still gets a little nervous when we vacuum but he is better about it. :)